
  1. Welcome by the President, Robert Paul
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. Minutes of the Meeting held on Friday, 25 September 2020
  4. Report from the Chair of Trustees, Robert Paul
  5. Adoption of the Accounts January 2020 – December 2020
  6. Election of Directors/Trustees – Robert Paul retires by rotation and is eligible for re-election. Lakshan Saldin, co-opted in October 2020, and Ruth Briant, Christopher Tooth, and Andrew Farrell who all joined the Board in July 2021, through the filling of casual vacancies and co-option, are now eligible for full election to the Board
  7. Any Other Business constitutionally notified in advance
  8. Consider the proposal for the next AGM to be on Thursday, 28 April, 2022, at 7pm at the Museum